"Digital Entrepreneurship is Productivity, Creativity & Problem Solving...in Hard Mode."

Your journey to more freedom, opportunity and options starts here.

Founded by online entrepreneur Michael Carrington, The Global Citizen Guide teaches subscribers how to build their own online business and build a robust income Plan B.

The world is becoming increasingly filled with uncertainty: Income Insecurity. Inflation. Geo-political Instability. Social Decline.

But YOU don't have to sit back passively feeling powerless. A proactive Plan B can help reduce risk and maximize prosperity through increased earning potential - while delivering an increase in valuable skills, more freedom, and more control over your life.

Values-led. Mission-Driven
These are the things we value:
  • Freedom: Living a life we value, on our own terms, without government or financial interference.
  • Discovery: Helping you discover new ways to build wealth and keep it.
  • Options: You are at risk if your assets, savings, and yourself are all in the same nation. We provide you with choices.
  • Prosperity: Empowering yourself through financial education makes a better life possible.
Course Topics Covering

Affiliate Marketing

Digital Marketing

Sales Skills

Build Your Credibility

Presentation Skills

Growing A Digital Business

International Living

Plan B Strategies

Discover the Courses That Suit You Best

Premium Course



COMING SOON - In this upcoming course you will learn the key money-making skills and strategies necessary to grow profitable online businesses in the modern content-driven era.

1 Lessons - Easy

Premium Course



COMING SOON - In this upcoming course you will learn the key skills necessary to becoming a negotiation-pro. We cover both the foundations and advanced tactics of business negotiation. This course is created for you as an entrepreneur, business professional or even if you just want to improve your interpersonal communication.

9 Lessons - Easy

Premium Course



(COMING SOON) In this course internet entrepreneur, Michael Carrington, breaks down and explores the key skills needed to achieve success in your Network Marketing business.

9 Lessons - Easy

Premium Course



COMING SOON - In this upcoming course you will learn the key skills necessary to becoming a negotiation-pro. We cover both the foundations and advanced tactics of business negotiation. This course is created for you as an entrepreneur, business professional or even if you just want to improve your interpersonal communication.

9 Lessons - Easy

Premium Course



COMING SOON - In this upcoming course you will learn the key skills necessary to becoming a negotiation-pro. We cover both the foundations and advanced tactics of business negotiation. This course is created for you as an entrepreneur, business professional or even if you just want to improve your interpersonal communication.

9 Lessons - Intermediate

"Imagine Working Anywhere, Anytime and Make Money While You Sleep"

Articles That Take Your Business

To The Next Level

Business Skills

10 Key Things You Should Do to Improve Your Online Business

Excerpt / Intro text Here at we live an international lifestyle with the financial freedom that comes from running internet businesses. Do you want to know how you can achieve that too? CLICK HERE to get instant access to the FREE Digital Pioneer business course! Quick Navigation 1. Re-Evaluate Your Goals2. Visit Your Homepage for the “First

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Demand: The Key To Online Business Success

Many novices in the business sector have peculiar approaches to the world of business. They frequently conceive of solutions first, or at least what they believe to be solutions. After that, they make an effort to persuade others to buy in the hopes that they will recognize the worth of their offerings.That is a surefire

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Business Skills

The Best Marketing Strategy to Grow Your Online Business in 2024

I’m going to tell you the number one marketing tip you need to help your online business grow. My business requires me to spend most of my time on this. It’s the most useful thing I do to get more visitors, make a difference in people’s lives, build my brand, and make more money.This plan

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Diversity Your Income With Affiliate Marketing The Right Way

Affiliate marketing is about making money, and we are going to discuss one of the easiest ways to do it.Imagine discovering when you wake up in the morning that you earned money while you slept.Affiliate marketing is the ideal place to start if you want to earn money passively. By 2024, company spending on affiliate

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7 Incredible SEO Tools That Will Supercharge Your Business

Get ready to propel your business to new heights with this article on the 7 Incredible SEO Tools That Will Supercharge Your Business! Dive into a world of digital dominance as we unveil these popular SEO tools that can revolutionize your online presence. From keyword wizardry to backlink mastery, discover the ultimate toolkit for skyrocketing your website’s success.

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Top High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Offers for 2024

Dive into affiliate market earnings with our guide to the Top High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Offers for 2024! We explore exclusive partnerships that give you the opportunity to earn higher commissions.

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Then sign up for our FREE newsletter series instead today. Packed with powerful, immediately actionable Plan B strategies, signing up for this newsletter is one of THE best steps you can take right now to safeguard your freedom and maximize your ability to build wealth using established digital marketing methods - starting today.

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